Thursday, April 9, 2009

Living The Suburban American Dream

Mr. Golden Curls vs. The Bulldozer: turns out there is something that makes a more persistently loud noise!

Pretty soon we'll be enjoying our yard in relative peace and quiet. Until then when we go out in the yard we'll be greeted by any number of surprises, guys cutting large materials in our yard, getting water from our hose, loud bulldozers moving dirt within feet of the boys' sandbox...all in the name of urban sprawl. But once it's done it will be good, it'll mean new neighbors (hopefully with young kids). And we heard rumor that they've decided to build a playground in the neighborhood, how super cool is that?! The boys love it all of course. The tractors, the people, all the new machinery. Lil Spitfire often stands in the middle of the yard hollering to the construction crew in his tiny voice "Hey! Hi! Hello!" then turns to me when no one hears him "Mamma, it's not working!"

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