Thursday, November 20, 2008

You Don't Say

I sent a thank you email to the pug rescue group that allowed me to adopt my new pug through the shelter (you can read about that here). I wanted to let them know that what they did was a big deal to me. The shelter told me the rescue was familiar with this particular Pug and I've discovered some new information! My supposedly 7 month old is actually somewhere in the 3-5 year range. I've been kind of wondering why I haven't had too much trouble potty training and why he didn't have all the puppy mannerisms I'm used to, like roughhousing, nibbling and chewing into oblivion anything within reach. I'd just decided it's because I've never owned a Pug. His age does not at all lesson my happiness over Mr. Cash Pugface, if anything I'm excited to know that he isn't likely to get used to us and turn into a crazed Piranha-like poo machine! I also learned that he came from less than stellar circumstances and that makes me even happier to have him in our house!

Mr. Cash and I try on our silly pug faces, have I mentioned I'm a bit of a goob?

I also want to add to my previous posts a disclaimer. I would never want someone to see me gushing about a particular pet of mine, think they look super swell and run out to acquire one of their own just to realize later it wasn't such a good idea after all. If you're considering a Pug, or any other pet, PLEASE do your research! Pugs aren't for everyone, they're super adorable and lovey but they are also noisy breathers, grunters, snorers, clingy, they have bad gas, are prone to serious health issues, and they're notoriously difficult to train, especially in the house breaking department! is a great place to start your research. Read everything in their side bar and you'll be educated indeed. Their Don't Get A Pug, and Meet The Pug articles are a good place to start along with the Pug Profiler that can help you determine if a Pug is right for you. Pug Village also has a forum for asking questions, just click here.

If you do decide on a new pet please consider a shelter animal or if you're wanting a specific breed then research breed specific rescues in your area. Not only will you get a pet you love but you'll have the peace of mind knowing you gave a home to an animal in need. And dismounting soap box.

I may not have my pug face down yet but I seem to have the pug neck wrinkles!


  1. Good for you! We have a shelter dog going on 8 years nwo and he is a great pet!

    Couldn't help but think, though ,that your description of the pug's negatives sounded like a lot of people I know...LOL

  2. He's too cute! You are definately a goob, but we love you anyway.

    Lovin' the blog face lift.

  3. hahaha Uneek! I certainly know some people like that :)

  4. Oh man!! The cuteness is too much! From his description he sounds like a miniature rottweiler! (grunting, gas)

  5. I've always wanted a pug, but Squirrel the Evil Chihuahua ruined me on dogs forever. Seriously, I'm emotionally scarred. I'm sticking with cats.

    But your pug is ADORABLE! ARe you going to take him to Pug Parades and Pug Tea Parties?

  6. I think Squirrel nearly scared me out of ever owning a dog again :) He was the prettiest Chihuahua I'd ever seen though!

    Of course I'm going to take Mr. Cash to parades and tea parties! I already told Bill last night that I'm going to have a one year party for him next year. He groaned, he just doesn't understand :)
