Friday, August 8, 2008

The Secret Garden

I loved the book "The Secret Garden" when I was a little girl, ever since I've wanted one for myself. This week my wish has come true, I've had access to a secret garden every morning in our temporary house! I've been loving my morning routine with the boys: get up, get ready, go downstairs for breakfast as a whole family, explore the secret garden, ride bikes on the hidden driveway, go in for snacks and juice.


  1. What a beautiful place. Secret Garden is one of my favorite books as well. How wonderful you can have this experience! I think you are going to miss this "wonderland" when you move to your permanent abode! By the way....Congrats! The boys look happy and content.

  2. Super cute pics of the boys! What a beautiful place. I can't wait to start reading The Secret Garden to my daughter. I looooved that book!
