Friday, August 29, 2008

Lil' Do It Your Selfer

As I was writing my last post the motherly thought "It's awfully quiet in there" occurred to me and I realized I'd just composed an entire post complete with pictures galore and links without interruption. As much as I didn't want to disturb my piece and quiet I thought it was probably time to check in on the little monkeys of terror. When I walked into their room all seemed, at first glance, to be good. Mr Golden Curls was nicely playing on the train table. Then I see Lil' Spitfire having climbed up on the changing table and about to climb from there to the top bunk. It took me a sec to realize he was not only in the nude but had a bum covered in poo! I quickly laid him down on the table and reached for the wipes..."what did you do with the wipes?" he points to the floor. I pick up the box of wipes, return it to its spot on the table and open it to find poo covered wipes crammed inside! "Did you try to change your own diaper?!" "Yea, I do it myself, I big!" I'm trying to contain a mix of disgust and laughter at this point, knowing that he was just trying to be big but also totally grossed out. "Where is the dirty diaper?" Again he points and I see it inside one of their crates full of toys "Oh, yuck! I know you were trying to do it yourself and be big, but next time lets leave this job to Mamma or Pappa." "Nope, I do it." "If you want to do this job kiddo then get yourself to the potty!" "No, I change my poo poo diaper." And all the while big brother is using our conversation as a chance to say poopy as many times as possible. Apparently at four he's already developing an affection for potty mouth. Mmmm, good times ahead!


  1. I had a niece that painted a masterpiece in her bedroom with her diaper once.

    I'm just glad it happened to my brother and not while I was watching her for any reason.

  2. Oh, idyll, I've been there at least twice with Lil' Spitfire and poo art is above and beyond THE single most disgusting thing I've had to deal with as a parent! Blech!

  3. Nice. EEWWWW! But I can see him doing that. Just glad you asked where the diaper was!
