Sunday, April 27, 2008

Arrrr, A Happy Birthday To Ya'

Mr Golden Curls turns four today. I can't believe it, every year I can't believe it! Yesterday we had his party. He requested a pirate party, which thrilled me, with the stipulation that it was to be "happy pirates, not scary pirates." Yesterday morning he sprung awake and yelled from the bedroom "Is it my birthday today?" "yes!" "YEAAAAA!" He loved his day so much which, in my book, makes it a rousing success.

Everyone knows what he likes and he absolutely loved all of his gifts. He was so excited to open them that he plowed through them in a whirl wind of tissue paper and gift bags and was done in about 5 minutes! Our gift to him was a Kidizoom digital camera (which is awesome by the way). As soon as he saw the flame covered case he knew what it was, his eyes bugged out and he had the most wonderfully excited smile on his face. He immediately started snapping blurry pictures of people with their heads cut off!

Pappa tried to help Mr. Golden Curls compose a picture of his favorite person, and the subject he wanted to photograph first, his little brother!


  1. OMG - our sons could be related. :) Mine is also a Mr. Golden Curls (but we don't call him that - that would be REALLY weird!). He'll be four in October.
    Here's a pic:

  2. Awesome birthday pics! It really looks like Mr. Golden Curls had a blast. I remember my first camera--boy did I go through a lot of film! I sure hope your little one keeps his thumb out of the picture (I never quite managed to get that part quite right)

  3. Great pics, wish I was a shutterbug and could capture the moment in the midst of flurry like you do. Have a brand new camera but never quite manage the "kodac moments somehow!" I figured out how to delete pictures and deleted...oh about 200....yes 200 black screen pictures and pic of carpet....Ha! He does love his camera! Having a great time! Praying you find a house....TODAY!!!!! and sell the other TODAY!!!!!! Love you!

  4. Great pics, wish I was a shutterbug and could capture the moment in the midst of flurry like you do. Have a brand new camera but never quite manage the "kodac moments somehow!" I figured out how to delete pictures and deleted...oh about 200....yes 200 black screen pictures and pic of carpet....Ha! He does love his camera! Having a great time! Praying you find a house....TODAY!!!!! and sell the other TODAY!!!!!! Love you!

  5. He he, Maddman has one of those kids cameras too. I love it because I can just upload them right to the computer and hand it back off to him. Their view of our world is so much fun to see. ^-^

    Looks like he had a blast! Have fun being 4 Mr Golden Curls.

  6. Your boys is GORGEOUS!!!! Those curls, oh those golden curls. They're always wasted on boys while we girls are awarded mouse brown straight limp hair. But I digress.

    Your gorgeous son looks like he had a wonderful birthday! What a great mom. You just can't beat a pirate theme.

    My son turns 3 in July. We have a notorious birthday party curse, so I'm not sure what we'll do. It's starting to get to where he's going to notice, so I'm starting to sweat. Maybe I'll take pointers. :)

  7. I remember taking Anna to Graham's first birthday party... was it that long ago? She and Melody screamed their heads off the entire time. Fun fun!
