Saturday I had the most perfect morning. The privacy fence was finally finished, the weather has finally gone from the fiery, humid bowels of hell to fling open the windows and sit on the back deck wonderful. my puppies are so happy to be free to roam and it was nice to be able to just open the door, let them out and sit outside under my peaceful pergola, with my pretty little lanterns and trees and Tibetan bell. The outside of our house is really starting to come together into something I like and as much as I hated shutting out our neighbors it's also very very nice to carve out your own space when your neighbors are 2 inches away. Now I walk out and I feel like I'm not just a sardine in a suburban cookie cutter, I feel like I'm in my own personal oasis.
Birthday Countdown: T Minus Two Weeks And Counting
The Little Mister has his 1st birthday party in a few short weeks and I'm
getting ready to blitz the house with cleanliness and try to finish up some
12 years ago
Thanks for posting, I would like to say that it is never easy to trust when all we see is our problems. But I am sure the Lord will provide, "...even the sparrows of the field are clothed...". But you know that, still doesn't make it easy when the chips seem down. But hang in there and keep posting!