Friday, July 10, 2009

The Summer Crazies: Vacation Bible School

The lovely pots my boys painted for me at Vacation Bible School.

The summer has been crazy, as usual, and flying by at lightening speed. My husband's a youth director so that means summertime is even busier than any other and he'll spend weeks at a time at various church camps. During one of those weeks the boys got to go to their first ever Vacation Bible School! I loved it because it gave me 3 hours of peace and freedom a day and then I loved it because they had so much fun...for the most part.

The first day at drop off Mr. Golden Curls went into his class like it was no big deal, which was a very big deal for him because he's the one that balks at anything new. Lil' Spitfire on the other hand stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway of his class then went running up the hall saying "I don't even like this place!" Amazingly, Spitfire is the one who, from that point on, LOVED going to VBS. It was the last thing he talked about at night and the first thing when he woke "Do we get to go back again today?!" Golden Curls took the opposite approach and for the first two days I received calls from the director telling me he was pitching an all out fit about not getting to run around doing what ever he felt like doing. After an at home remedy he stopped with the fits but finished out the week with grumpy complaints "I don't like... I don't want to..." to whatever they happened to be doing. I'm putting his kindergarten teachers on my prayer list ASAP!

Lil' Spitfire and Mr. Golden Curls at the final performance. Lil' Spitfire loved the dancing and music. He was a little disappointed he didn't get to do his from the stage so he snuck up there when his teachers weren't looking. Can you tell Mr. Golden Curls spotted the camera immediately? He's seen one a time or two and the whole performance for him was spent trying to get me to take his picture!


  1. Seriously have got to get your boys and my boys together. *chuckles* I hear most of those things every day from the boys daycare teachers!

    Looks like they had a blast even if there were grumbles ^-~ My boys head to theirs next week and I'm excited as they are staying with the grandparents!

  2. Ooh, you get the double goodness, VBS and staying with the grandparents!

    We do need to get together! We're so close to eachother!
