Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blogging Blues

Ugh, my blog writing skills are atrophying with disuse. And since I wasn't overflowing with skills to begin with I'm in trouble! When I was blogging nearly every day my mind was whirring all the time with ideas of what and how to write. Now I sit down every week or so and try to drum up ways to talk about stuff. It's not that there's a lack of stuff, it's just hard to get started! When Mr. Golden Curls starts school next month I'm hoping to move the personal stuff to a new blog and revamp this blog to be all crafting all the time. I'm waiting until then because I don't want to miss out on this last little bit, starting Kindergarten is such a fantastically huge milestone that would be a perfect opener for the new blog, and because then I'll have all of this fantastic free time in which to play to my hearts content. (comments to the contrary are completely unwelcome, I hope to continue with my delusion at least a few weeks into the school year.)


  1. It's the mid-summer blahs. Time for fall and holiday season so we have new things to talk about :)

  2. I feel your pain. My last blog entry was eh....when WAS my last blog entry?! I was thinking just this morning....this whole blog thing is all Doogie Houser's fault!
    oh well, kiss the boys for me. I love you all...glad to hear your not still on the lam.
