This week Baby Three is the size of a grape! I've been sick, sick, sick but I am finally seeing some relief from nausea in sight and this morning I actually woke feeling normal. Normal is good! It's early but I'm seeing a definite baby pooch. Other than nausea there's the overwhelming (skip this sentence boys) pain of the growing bosoms. Ouch, ouch, ouch!
I am so excited you would really think this was my first not my third. I see babies in public and want to stare, I get all dreamy and it feels so strange to know we're having one. I also have these moments where "what the heck were we thinking?!" shouts out in my head. Really, diaper bags, bottles, sleep deprivation, spit up, large amounts of money going out the window, traveling with a household worth of stuff for one little being...really, again?! I also know from experience that all of the agony is totally worth the payout.