Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hand-Me-Downs Rock My World

There was a time when I would have scoffed had someone told me a white mini van with gold trim would put such a huge smile on my face. I guess I'm just getting old because for Christmas my Grandpa passed his mini van on to me, my folks fixed it up, and I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat. Our current vehicle is a 4 door Saturn. I love it, it's been a fantastic car, it's black, it was my first purchase as a member of "the real world", and when I bought it my husband proposed to me before we drove it off the lot. But it's been increasingly lacking in one very important commodity, space. As our little family has grown so has our luggage and taking a trip or going camping is one tight squeeze. Try to add additional friends and family and we're bursting at the seems. Craft show? No problem...who's large vehicle can I borrow for the weekend? Not anymore! Bring on the camping, the craft shows, the long trips, the family, the mini van can handle it!

And look at how faaaaarrr away the boys are! Maybe we won't have to install that sound proof Limousin-esque window between the front and back of the vehicle after all!


  1. stephanieh@dayspring.comJanuary 5, 2010 at 3:37 PM

    wow! Kyle told me about the Van! That's awesome..and no doubt you will be loving all the extra space!

  2. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  3. Wow anonymous. I thought your comment was sweet, though a little odd, when I read it on my other blog. Now I'm just wondering why this would be a worthwhile spam message.

  4. WooHoo!!! Love me some hand-me-downs!!! Now we won't feel guilty about you driving to Texas.
