Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drama King

Picture from Mr. Golden Curls' first Christmas play

Oh Mr. Golden Curls. Such drama I have never seen in a 5 year old! He already loves the stage. At the school's Christmas play he started blowing kisses to the crowd as the curtain closed. Get him near a microphone or camera and he turns it on. His love of drama extends past the stage and always has. Until recently a brotherly attacked tower was the end of the world, a shirt that got stuck was his undoing and bugs, loud noises, things that move by themselves...well, forget about it.

This morning we entered a whole new realm of drama, girls. It's been a few months since I picked him up at school and he introduced me to a little red-headed girl and declared "This is my girlfriend, I'm going to marry her someday." They've been inseparable. They aren't in the same class but play on the playground and his daily complaints of so-and-so not being his friend on the playground have been completely replaced by stories of "my girlfriend." Well, tragedy has struck his tiny little heart. The school has started separating girls from boys at recess...don't really get me started on that, I'm annoyed but can't decide if it's just because my boy is disappointed. This was our conversation this morning.
Mr. Golden Curls: "Well, I'm just really sad this morning."
Me: "Why bitty?"
Mr. Golden Curls: "Because they split recess and now I can't see my girlfriend"
Me: "I'm sorry, I know that's hard."
Mr. Golden Curls: "Yea but she's just too pretty to let her get stolen away by another love."
Ugh, did I give birth to a tiny Romeo? Today he's sick over love lost, tomorrow he'll be declaring his undying love to a girl who's name he doesn't even know? And all at a mere 5 years old, I can't imagine what we'll be dealing with when he's riddled with the crazed hormones of puberty!

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