Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mothers and Old Men

Where there is coffee served before 9am there is a table full of old men sitting around drinking some and waxing philosophical and/or discussing mundane daily inconveniences such as how they know it's about to rain because their arthritis is acting up. I like knowing this about the world. Not about arthritis but that there are old men that gather. I like getting up early, it's just not my natural clock. In my old life, after marriage but before kids when I was a freelancer on my own schedule, I didn't see the day before 9:30am. I get so much done now, I see so many different things, and Walmart, Kroger and Hobby Lobby are amazingly more pleasant in the morning hours. It is a trade off though. I haven't been able to keep myself up late to work on tight deadlines in a million years!

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