Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank You For Making Me, Me

Every night before we go to bed we say prayers with the boys. Usually my husband and I will lead it and the boys will repeat. The other night Spitfire got sent to play in his bedroom after being too distracting during stories. When it came time to get ready for bed we found he had already put himself to bed and was dead asleep (see below:).

Since it was just me and the big one I asked if he would like to lead the prayer that night and this is the beautifully simple prayer he said: "Thank you God for this day and that we got to play all day. Thank you for giving us food and hope. Thank you for making me, me. The end."

Why isn't that my genuine prayer at the end of each day? I'm so full of grumbling and discontent about what I don't have, what I "need". So full of insecurities and my own worst bully. But in reality I have this day and that alone is an incredible gift not everyone has to enjoy. I get to stay home all day with my babies in these first most awesome years of their lives. I even get to fit in a little graphic design work and crafting here and there;  my own play all day. I certainly have food and hope. But the last part got me the most. "Thank you for making me, me. The end." I think it's time I start trying to reform my 'ole pessimistic, negative self into an optimist so I can start being happy that God made me, me too.

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