I was especially honored to have my mom, mom-in-law, sis-in-law and niece there with me. I just can not believe I forgot to get a picture of all of us together! My niece is 8 and it's really the first time I've gotten to hang out with her away from the 5 boys that are usually around when she is (her 3 brothers and my two boys). She's one cool little lady. She sat so sweetly with her tea cup of punch, played with the baby and came up to me and almost whispered "I'm having fun." Then my princess niece went out into the hostess' yard, threw a ball for the dogs, kicked around in the dirt and accidentally started a fire in the old burn pile. Now that's my kind of gal!
Birthday Countdown: T Minus Two Weeks And Counting
The Little Mister has his 1st birthday party in a few short weeks and I'm
getting ready to blitz the house with cleanliness and try to finish up some
12 years ago
I was thinking with all that bedrest you should be blogging away...good thing there was a post today!! Can't wait to see your newest little guy! Love and miss you